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Construction activities for farmers

Agrotrade Group spol. s.r.o. based in rented premises at Safarik Street 71, decided in 1997 to purchase new premises to ensure appropriate space to expand their business. This investment was a main impulse to establish a construction group of 12 workers. One of their first tasks was reconstruction of administrative building in a new area. Numerous buildings in this area and further expansion of the company confirmed the validity of a construction group. Their main scope became reconstruction and maintenance of existing facilities in Rožňava, Gemerska Ves and Jelšava. Significant milestone in the history of the construction group was the year 1998, when they signed the first contract with an external client to build milking parlor in Zemplínska Teplica.


Qualitative and quantitative development of construction group followed. Nowadays the group has 40-45 members, with different professions ranging from brick layers, locksmiths, plumbers, painters and operators of construction machinery. 


Profile of construction group has gradually crystalized into its present form and its main focus became agricultural buildings: HV halls, biogas stations, sheds, silage troughs, etc. 

Selected finished projects:

Biogas stations

Silage troughs

HV halls

New buildings

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