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Prezentácie a informácie pre užívateľov našich strojov
Prezentácia žacie stroje a zhrňovače Krone
Väderstad TEMPO

AGROTRADE GROUP spol. s r.o.
"Marketing and sales association" of primary producers
Effort of reducing costs when purchasing inputs for our own primary agricultural production, led us to the creation of “marketing and sales association”, which works on successful functioning of our own primary production. Informal “marketing and sales association” by AGROTRADE GROUP spol. s.r.o was established in 2004.
Business partners and offered range of goods:
1. Sales of pesticides from all chemical companies operating in the Slovak market:
Arysta LifeScience Slovakia, s.r.o.
BASF Slovensko, spol. s r.o.
Bayer, spol. s r.o.
Agrovita spol. s r.o.
F&N Agro Slovensko spol. s r.o.
Du Pont CZ s.r.o.
Chemtura Europe Gmbh
Dow Agroscience s.r.o.
Sumi Agro Czech s.r.o.
Monsanto Slovakia, s.r.o.
Syngenta Slovakia s.r.o.
2. Sales of seeds:
Pioneer Hi-Bred Magyarország Kft.
KWS Semena, s.r.o.
Sumi Agro Czech s.r.o.
Monsanto Slovakia, s.r.o.
Syngenta Slovakia s.r.o.
Rapool Slovakia, s.r.o.
SAATBAU LINZ Slovensko, spol. s r.o.
FINAGRO spol. s r.o.
Limagrain Central Europe S.E., organizačná zložka Slovakia
3. Exclusive dealership of PHYLAZONIT - bacterial fertilizer, in Slovakia:
Composition: Azotobacter croococcum – it binds atmospheric nitrogen and thereby enriches soil with nitrogen immediately available for plant. Bacillus megatherium – after reproduction of this microorganism in the soil, the root system is able to receive phosphorus, potassium, micro – and macro elements bound in inaccessible forms for plant. Pseudomonas putida – it helps with decomposition of plant remains in the soil. Carboximetil cellulose – accelerates the reproduction of bacteria that break down the cellulose macromolecules. Giberelin – phytohormone, supports extension growth, activates germination of plant, and helps flowering and fruit growth. Auxin – growth phytohormone, which helps develop the root system, stimulate the fruit growth. Vitamins B – increase the resistance of plant’s diseases.
Own development and production of leaf fertilizers:
Since 2009, serious efforts have been put into the development of leaf fertilizers of optimal composition and price for primary production.
High energy liquid NPK fertilizer with higher content of micronutrients. 1 liter of leaf fertilizer consists of: N 110 g/l, P 43 g/l, K 96 g/l, Fe 0,37 g/l, Mn 0,83 g/l, Cu 0,63 g/l, Zn 0,45 g/l, B 2,90 g/l, Mo 0,24 g/l, Ti 0,04 g/l, humic substances - 26 g, saccharides, heteroauxin, organic acids and fructose.
Composition: Magnesium fertilizer with high content of sulfur and trace elements. 1 liter of leaf fertilizer consists of: Mg 45,1 g/l, S 59 g/l, Fe 1,2 g/l, Mn 2,1 g/l, Cu 2,1 g/l, Zn 2,1 g/l, B 2,2 g/l, Mo 0,24 g/l, Ti 0,04g, heteroauxin, saccharides, humin substances and fructose.
Composition: Nitrogen fertilizer with high content of sulfur, magnesium and microelements. 1 liter of leaf fertilizer consists of: N 184 g/l, S 14 g/l, Mg 10 g/l, Fe 0,060 g/l, Mn 0,105 g/l, Cu 0,105 g/l, Zn 0,105 g/l, B 0,110 g/l, Mo 0,06 g/l, saccharides, organic acids and fructose.